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Doshisha University

Value Research Center

Value for Social Impact

Developing models to measure and manage value creation for

businesses, customers, employees, shareholders, partners, society & nature

We have synthesized more than 1,200 impact measurements from over 45 different sustainability reporting and ESG measurement frameworks into 81 goals across 27 themes for 7 stakeholder groups.

We hold a series of online and in-person events in Kyoto, Japan and globally.  Learn more about our latest events here.

Our global team is working across 4 themes to better understand value measurement for businesses, governments and markets.

We're looking for research collaborators, partner organizations, members, implementation partners and assessors.  

Impact Measurements included in our research to date:
Sustainability Frameworks


The Value Research Center was officially established at Doshisha University in Kyoto Japan in November 2021. The purpose of this research center is to research and develop a system for measuring, monitoring, assessing and reporting on value creation and destruction impacts that organizations make on various stakeholder groups including (1) the organization itself, as well as its (2) shareholders or owners, (3) customers, (4) employees, (5) partners, the (6) society within which it operates and (7) the planet.


T: +81 (0)75-251-4600

F: +81 (0)75-251-4710


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